HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION and HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES GROUP Division has developed with WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL the first program for their GUEST at the WORLDGATE GRAND HOTEL , passengers on the cruise ships, visitors to our Grand Casino and other venues centered on vision impaired and blind guest. With these amazing units from OrCam every Guest can now enjoy the amazing WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL properties around the world. WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL will keep the appropriate number of OrCam's units on hand at all times at each venue on the property to accommodate the demand based on the base booking at the hotel plus increase in cruise ship passengers.
The program for WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL will managed and administrated by HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES GROUP who is involved in the medical services for the Medical Center on all WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL projects worldwide.
Part of our agreement with the Sponsored Island is to provide Medical Services for the residents of the Sponsored Island. Our Imparted Vision and Blind programs will extend to the island impaired vision and blind populations. This is part of our give back program as is our INTERACTIVE COLLEGE NETWORK education and telecommute programs.
HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION and it HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES GROUP has enter into a teaming agreement with a major supplier of low vision and blind technology to provide a complete line of products to HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES for our programs.
Ken Twergo and Patty White have been in the low vision and blind technology for over twenty-two years. Ken is a U.S. NAVY VETERAN who served on the aircraft carrier The America on "Yankee Station" off Vietnam. His retail company is The Low Vision Store, LLC. www.thelowvisionstore.net located in 300 NE 117th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98684 United States.
The purpose of the Teaming Agreement was to establish and define the relationship between HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES GROUP and Ken Twergo and Patty White principles of THE LOW VISION STORE regarding the pursuit of sales, deployment, installation, training, knowledge and technical services in the principle area of low vision and blindness in regard to Interactive College Networks, military applications, military veterans, veterans association, AFEXS, NEXS MWR, NRW, Indian Nations, WorldGate Community International projects general public, implementations, promotion and sales.
It was agreed that HVCC will utilize it tremendous resources, knowledge, contacts and connections in the areas of education, veterans, veteran’s organizations, Veterans Administration, Veterans Associations, Indian Nations, Military, OEM applications, broadcasting and corporation sales and marketing to sell and promote low visions and products for the blind and impaired vision markets and TLVS shall use it tremendous knowledge of the products, manufacturers, connections, contract for training and service in the industry, product selection and buying power to supply products at discount under this teaming agreement to HVCC for our programs.
TLVS shall set up a national training and delivery program utilizing OrCam Video training videos and on the INTERACTIVE COLLEGE NETWORKS, ZOOM enabled collaboration platform on all products for HVCC Medical Services Group. TLVS will be responsible for the set up and control of all training and delivery of vision products. The training and delivery cost will be added to the overall price of the product and that cost will be paid to the contracted dealers if onsite training is required.
HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES focus is on the Interactive College Networks students, Veterans, Indian Nations and WorldGate Community International impaired vision and blind markets and providing these markets with devices and systems to enable those member communities to have to most advanced technology available for the vision impaired and blind without the high cost normally related to these products.
HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES provides the equipment at no direct cost to the members of these communities through WorldGate Community International, Tribal Councils, Veterans Fraternal Organizations, Indian Health Services, and veterans’ associations. There is never a direct cost to the visual impaired or blind Veteran or Indian Nations Tribal member for our programs.
Award-Winning Technology
OrCam MyEye is a tiny device with a smart camera that attaches to virtually any eyeglass frame, enabling you to enjoy the morning paper, read any book, and even catch up on your email. Recognize your loved ones, shop on your own, work more efficiently, and live a more independent life! It does this by conveying the visual information audibly, in real-time and offline.
OrCam has won numerous global awards for its highly advanced, personal AI technology. OrCam Read has already been described as "an exceptional on demand tool to access print in work, education and community settings."
OrCam MyEye OrCam MyReader OrCam Read
OrCam Read
Revolutionary Reading
OrCam Read, for people with mild low vision, reading fatigue, reading difficulties including dyslexia, and for anyone who consumes large amounts of text, is a first-ever lightweight, handheld device with a smart camera that seamlessly reads text from any printed surface or digital screen. It enables you to enjoy the morning paper, read any book, and even read all that appears on your computer or smartphone screen. Privately read the text that you choose, improve your time studying, work more efficiently!